Category: Blog

18 Killer Interior Photography Tips to Follow

18 Killer Interior Photography Tips to Follow

Many times we wonder how pro photographers take breathtaking interior photography. We even cherish shooting such interior photography. But how to develop this skill? Definitely, it’s not rocket science. Apparently, it’s tricky to take such posh photography but with basic and advanced knowledge of interior photography, you can nail your interior photoshoot. All you need…

How to Merge Lightroom Catalogs

How to Merge Lightroom Catalogs

Do you have MORE THAN ONE Lightroom Catalog?  You are not alone.  This is a very common error that many new Lightroom users make! Over the years, I have helped many Lightroom users and have seen many of them create a brand new catalog EVERY TIME they import.  One individual had over 200 separate Lightroom catalogs! …

Should I Watermark My Images?

Should I Watermark My Images?

This image was edited with the Illuminate Lightroom Preset Collection Should You Watermark Photos? Who would think such a simple question could be such a hot topic among photographers?  And they all seem to have differing opinions on this topic.  However, for this post, I will try to be as unbiased as possible and illustrate all the…

An Ultimate Guide to Build Photoblog

An Ultimate Guide to Build Photoblog

We live in an age when blogging is a widespread technique that allows us to create and control our virtual identities (personal or occupational). Photoblog is also another blogging method used by many photographers globally these days. The purpose of photoblogging basically depends on the niche it’s used. If it’s used in travel photography, it’s…