Can blurry photos be tasteful?

June 5, 2023

In the age of digital photography, it’s easy to achieve sharp and clear captures. However, this has also led to the notion that sharpness is overrated. Today’s photography inspiration may be a point of discussion (or debate, even), but let’s ask anyway, can blurry photos be tasteful?

In the video above, Imitative Photography introduces us to the work of Olga Karlovac, who only shoots black and white blurry photos using point-and-shoot cameras. She self-published her first book Before Winter in 2017, followed by The Disarray in 2019, then Escape in 2021, along with a number of exhibits.

Black and white, she said, gives more strength and essence to her photos. Add to this the otherworldly quality that blur adds to an image and you have a visual style that feels like a memory. This, the video notes, parallels how memories tend to blur with time — you may forget the fine details but still remember the broad strokes.

This creative use of blur relies a lot on the power of emotive visuals. Admittedly, that’s not always easy to pull off, nor does it work with all photography projects. But in case you still want to try recreating this style, the video above includes some tips to help you get the look and feel.

What do you think of Olga Karlovac’s emotive approach to black and white photography? Do you find it an effective or clever way to use blur? Share your insight with us in the comments below, or in our group discussion if you’re already part of the Photofocus Community!

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