3 Ways to Rename Your Files in Lightroom

August 20, 2022

Lightroom Rename Files

How to Rename Files in Lightroom

In most programs, there is more than one way to do something.  And that is definitely true for renaming your files in Lightroom.  Today I will share the three ways to rename your files in Lightroom and when you might want to use each method.

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Method 1. Renaming on Import

To rename your photos when importing, go to the File Renaming Tab on the right-hand side of the Import dialog box.

How to Rename a File in Lightroom

I import all my photos via Lightroom, and I rename all my files on import to get rid of the letters my camera places at the beginning of each filename – DSC (Nikon) or IMG (Canon).  These just bug me, and I don’t want to see them.

This is the type of renaming you want to do on import – a process you will want to do for EVERY photo you import.  

Follow these steps to create your own preset that renames your photos:

    1. Check the “Rename Files” box in the File Renaming panel.  From the Template drop-down menu, you can choose one of those options.  If needed, new options will open up in the File Renaming Panel to help you.  If you want to make a custom option, choose “Edit” at the bottom of the drop-down menu.
    2. If you want to make a custom option or preset, choose “Edit” at the bottom of the drop-down menu selected above.  A new box will open up.  Delete all the text in the white box.  Then choose the options that will give you the result you are looking for.  Each drop-down menu below the large white box has several options for you to choose from.  When you find the one you like, press “Insert.”
    3. To save these settings as a preset, go to the top drop-down menu and choose “Save Current Settings as New Preset.”  Give your preset a name and click “Create.”

Rename Photos in Lightroom

Method 2. Renaming Files After Selecting Favorites

I like to use this type of renaming for client photos.  I typically don’t love the long sequence of numbers that most of my files are left with after they have been taken.  So once I have chosen my favorites, I select and rename them.

To do this, you need to be in the Library module.  Then, select the photos you want to rename and hit the “F2” key or choose Rename Photos from the Library drop-down menu.  (go here for my other favorite Lightroom keyboard shortcuts

Rename Images in Lightroom

This will open a dialog box that will give you several options for renaming your files.  “Custom Name-Sequence” is the one that I choose most often.  Using this method, I can add the client’s name (custom name) and start the numbering of these favorites at #1 (sequence).

Rename a File in Lightroom

I choose this renaming method (over the next one I will tell you about) because I want the files that I give my client to have the exact same name on my hard drive.  Otherwise, things can get very confusing, especially if you try to look up a photo to edit later on.

Method 3. Renaming on Export

You can also rename on export from Lightroom.  This is another way that I rename photos, but I DO NOT use it frequently for Client photos for the reason I just mentioned in the previous paragraph. 

I DO sometimes use this renaming technique on files I am printing (to differentiate them from other files) or posting to my blog or social media (to have keywords in my photo title).

To rename on export:

    1. First, select the files that you want to export. 
    2. Right-click and choose “Export” or press “CTRL + Shift + E” (PC users) or “CMD + Shift + E” (Mac users). 
    3. Then scroll down the section that gives you the options for file renaming.
    4. Click the box next to “Rename to:” and choose the options you want as your photos are exporting. 
    5. Once you click “Export,” they will also be renamed.

Rename Photos in Lightroom

From all of us at Pretty Presets, Happy Editing!!

Do you have any questions or comments about Renaming Files in Lightroom?  Just leave us a comment below – we would love to hear from you!  And PLEASE SHARE this post using the social sharing buttons (we really appreciate it)!

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